Regalboard Exhibited at BAU Munich 2023
Regalboard employs the latest surface treatment technology to deliver the most unique and natural decking outlooks with superior performance in all dimensions. Every moulded wood grain is finely carried out by experienced artisans with much meticulosity, and will never be 100% alike in that of any other product in the marekt.
The special surfacing material allows screw head lost effect after nail hammering and meanwhile ensures excellent resistance to slip. Thanks to the soft cap, no splinter or other drawbacks like scratch technology to deliver the most unique and natural decking outlooks with superior performance in all dimensions. Every moulded wood grain is finely carried out by experienced artisans with much meticulosity, and will never be 100% alike in that of any other product in the marekt.
The special surfacing material allows screw head lost effect after nail hammering and meanwhile ensures excellent resistance to slip. Thanks to the soft cap, no splinter or other drawbacks like scratches es, or hurts will occur to consumers even walk on it by barefoot.
Also the particular structure design and reinforcement technology enable lighter weight and greater durability.